I'm in the process of working the final batches of compost into my four raised beds now, in preparation for my May vegetable garden planting. I have my spring garden plan posted in the garage, and I'm looking forward to getting my heirloom seeds from Baker Creek Seed Company into the ground.
Last year, we fenced in the vegetable garden area in an effort to control the amount of vegetables the bunny population consumes. My philosophy for gardening and farming in the country is to try to balance the food I grow for myself with feeding and sustaining the ecosystem around me. Therefore, the bunnies need something good to eat, also! So, this year, they will have a garden area that is unfenced that belongs just to them.
I found this sign at an antique shop a few weeks ago, and nailed it to the fence to remind me that I have small, furry friends who look forward to the pleasures of my garden as much as I do!