So many of our holiday traditions come from other cultures, and come alive each year at Christmas time. With the increasing commercialism of Christmas, deep-felt traditions become more important to us as we move through this blessed season. They remind us of our roots, preserve our cultural heritages, and remind us what Christmas is really all about.
Filling the house with evergreens and ribbons and putting up a tree is more than just decorating for the holidays--it is a way to express the importance of home and hearth in our lives. Making special foods to share with others brings family and friends together, allowing us to celebrate the love we have for one another and to rejoice in our good fortune.
Gift-giving shows others how much they mean to us, and greeting cards let us exchange greetings with those we are not able to be with during the holiday season. Even the songs we sing reaffirm our heritage and put us closer in touch with our beliefs and feelings about our place in the world.
As we approach this holiday season, look within to find your true blessings, and pass them on to those you love.