Today, the sun was out and the air was crisp. Red leaves have appeared at the top of my neighbor's maple tree across the street, and I know that fall is on the way. The air is cooler and moist, and the grass and the garden love this respite from the heat of the summer. I coiled up my garden hose today, as I probably won't need it for a while at least.
I worked in the yard and garden all day today. The grass clippings went into the new compost bin, and I spoke to a Master Gardener today at Home Depot, wanting to know more about the process that I am learning about in my own Master Gardener class. I weeded the garden, admiring my September garden of peas, beans, cabbage, lettuce, onions, and pumpkins. The tomatoes are still green, and there hasn't been enough warm weather for them this year.
This was my first year raising gladiolas, and they all came up and flowered. The colors range from hot pink to light pink to light orange. They are lovely.
I extended my rose flower bed, and created just enough room for one more Julia Child rose bush. I'll have to go down to the Antique Rose Farm next Saturday and pick one up, along with a couple of climbing roses for the picket fence in the front yard.
Tomorrow I'll be testing the soil in my yard for a class assignment, and this will give me valuable information for future reference. I'll be able to amend my soil, apply my own compost to the soil where needed, and learn more ways to take care of my plants and trees.
It was a good day.