My five-year-old granddaughter Kaila was actively involved in planting her first garden last year. She was responsible for planting all of the vegetable seeds that were sown, and she busily weeded between the rows last summer, keeping her crops neat and organized.
This year, she wasn't around a lot to do the planting, so I carefully got the heirloom seeds into the ground and took care of the weeding. Last week, she joined me for a day during my vacation and helped me with the garden. She had new garden gloves, and quickly got to work looking at the peas and beans, and deciding what everything was and when it would all be ready. She seemed to remember quite a bit about her experience last year, and enjoyed this year's progess of the plants.
She'll be over next weekend to help me pick apples, and we'll make applesauce and apple pies for our Labor Day barbecue. I'm hoping she'll one day enjoy gardening as much as I do, and I'll add to her gardening memories each year as we try new varieties of vegetables in our quest for the perfect garden!